Kenneth Kamiya is the founder of Kamiya Gold, Inc. As a second-generation Okinawan, he was born and raised in Kaneohe to a farming family where he spent his childhood working on the family’s farm. The family grew taro, various fruits and vegetables, and later raised hogs and cattle. After serving in the Vietnam War, Kenneth returned home to Kaneohe to help on the family’s farm. For over 22 years, his primary career was as the Farm & Grounds Director at Brigham Young University Hawaii Campus. While working full-time at BYUH, he spent all of his off time running and operating Kamiya Farms. Kenneth’s passion and love for the industry led him to become an instrumental part in saving the Hawaii Papaya industry in the 1980s from the devasting papaya ringspot virus. He embraced biotechnology and benefited by propagating his own variety known as the “Kamiya Papaya”. Throughout his career, he served in many leadership roles in the agricultural industry; from a graduate of UHCTAHR Ag Leadership (Class of 1985) to past President of Hawaii Papaya Industry Association in 2010-2012. At 82 years old, Kenneth still works on the farm, although he has handed leadership to his son Michael to manage the business. Kenneth enjoys working on projects around the farm, traveling, spending time with his grandchildren and working in his greenhouse.